SAUSD District Zone Program OptimizationAARC Team2018-12-17T17:07:40+00:00
WIN Program Optimization
– ADA Recovery Success –
Our goal is to ensure every school site has a successful, rewarding and engaging ADA recovery program. Below please find a few Super Saturday Program optimization recommendations.
Please do not hesitate to contact your ECS support team for assistance, we’re here to help.
Thank you!
Bonus Sessions
Bonus sessions are a great way to hold additional Saturday school sessions throughout the year. Ask your ECS support team about available bonus sessions dates for your site.
Student Recruitment
Principals, teachers and support staff should actively promote the program throughout the week, and encourage students who have absences to recover to attend Saturday School.
Student to Teacher Ratios
Maximize operation expenses by staffing each session appropriately. School sites should strive for a 25-1 student to teacher ratio on Saturday.
Counselor Calls
Many of our most successful school sites make an effort to call the parents / guardians of those students who are chronically absent and invite them to attend the Saturday school program.
Reschedule Caceled Sessions
In the event a Saturday sessions needs to be canceled, contact your ECS support team and reschedule for another date.
Morning Announcements
Remind students about upcoming Saturday sessions, and create additional program awareness through morning announcements.
Display program awareness banners throughout campus. Ask you ECS support more about creating banners for your site.
Share Ideas
Communicate program improvement ideas with ECS support staff, we are here to help!