AARC Information
What is the AARC Program?
AARC is a comprehensive program designed to provide a broad spectrum of instructional programs for students with excused/unexcused absences. It is also a way in which districts can recapture hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars in lost ADA revenues through a four hour Saturday/Sunday instructional program plus a short nutrition break.
The AARC program is different than the traditional Saturday Discipline program in that the focus is on instruction. The instruction can reflect any type of curriculum that is offered during the regular week. The curriculum can be tutorial, enrichment, test prep, credit recovery, labs or any type of instruction that the school site or district would like to offer. The scope is broad and unlimited. All AARC sessions are taught by district teachers and supported by district classified staff. AARC staff from Educational Consulting Services provides all the labor and logistical duties to implement each AARC session.
Maximizing ADA Recovery
AARC Program Attendees in 2018-2019
Recovered ADA $ for Client Districts Last Year
Recovered Student Absences in 2018-2019
2023-2024 AARC Program Highlights
Santa Ana USD – Student Engagement
Coachella Valley USD – Recovered Absences
Colton USD – Recovered Absences
Pomona USD – Recovered Absences
MUHSD – Student Engagement
Alisal Student Engagement
LEUSD – Student Engagement
Lynwood USD – Recovered Absences
Monterey USD – Recovered Absences
District Zone Dashboard
Private dashboard for district administration. Weekly financial reports, attendance & recovery metrics, staffing ratios, school site calendars & much more available 24/7 from your district dashboard. District Zone Demo >

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School Zone Dashboard
Private dashboard for school site leadership. Weekly attendance & recovery reports, staffing ratios, school site calendars, lunch count submissions & much more available 24/7 from your school site dashboard. School Zone Demo >

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- Student to Teacher Ratios
- Attendance & Recovery Metrics
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The AARC Program
(Academic Attendance Recovery Coordinated Program)
California K-12 public schools lose thousands and millions of dollars in attendance revenues each year. Districts lose an average of $50 per day for each absence. Education Code Sections 37223 allows districts to recover those lost revenues through a four hour instructional program on a Saturday or Sunday.
Educational Consulting Services Inc. (ECS) has developed an unique and comprehensive program called the AARC (Academic Attendance Recovery Coordinated) Program to assist districts in recovering lost attendance revenues and instructional time. For more information click on AARC Info.

The AARC program is a ‘Win Win.’ Students recover lost instructional time, the district recaptures lost ADA and our employees have an opportunity to supplement their income
We recovered almost a million dollars in ADA revenues our first year
This is a win-win for CJUSD. We have retrieved huge ADA revenue. I can tell you this program works!